Cenotaph, Remembrance Sunday 2024

Dear Members, Friends and Colleagues…

It has come to that time of year again when Lisa and I need to start sending out invitations to join and represent RAFMuSA at this year’s Cenotaph Parade on Sunday 10th November 2024.

Please could I ask all of you who feel able to attend, to consider attending this year in particular. Unfortunately, due to not meeting our allocation in previous years we have only been able to secure 20 places this time.

Although it is an occasion where we remember and pay respect to all our colleagues who we have sadly lost,  I am mindful that next year 2025, will be the 40th anniversary of the accident in Germany. Unfortunately, if we continue not fulfilling our allocation, RAFMuSA participation as a separate unit in the Parade will be withdrawn, and it will mean any RAFMuSA members still wanting to take part will be required to march with another RAF Unit.

If you can take part, it’s very easy to apply. Simply go to the application form, fill it in and submit it. Please apply by 19th July, as we have to submit applications by the beginning of August.

If you have applied already but are now unable to come, please let us know as soon as possible so your place can be allocated to somebody else. My contact details are on the inside back cover of The Blue and the Gold.

— Paul Sargeant
RAFMuSA/RBL & Media Representative

One comment on “Cenotaph, Remembrance Sunday 2024

  1. Unfortunately, Pat and I are away this year and will not be able to attend, however, may I urge anyone who is able to attend to make the effort and let Paul know becuase they work really hard to enable us to keep our place in the Parade. Please, please support them if you can because it would be sad to lose our place in the parade. It is a very humbling experience and well worth the effort and expense.

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