Have You Filled in Your Survey Form Yet?

We sent all members a survey with the last Blue and the Gold asking about your opinions of the Association. If you haven’t done so already, please can you fill it in and send it to us as soon as you can. The more replies we get the better we’ll know what you think and want – it’s your Association, and we need your help to steer it in the right direction. You can reply anytime up until 31st July so don’t feel it’s too late.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Website News

You may have noticed that since this website went live, three or four months ago, very little development has taken place. Now that the reunion is over, and some of my other commitments are winding down a little as well, I hope to be able to spend some time adding new features. I expect we’ll have some photos from the 2012 reunion to display, and I’d like to develop a “where are they now” page where members can advertise for information about friends they’ve lost touch with. There’s also the possibility of making back numbers of the Blue and the Gold available for download, and several people have made other suggestions. So there’s lots to look forward to.

In the meantime I can announce one new item. Tony Fowles has taken a number of recordings which our members would find interesting and transferred them onto CDs. These are available (to members only) in return for a small donation to cover his costs, so do log in and head to the Members’ pages to have a look.